
Godwin Friday

Godwin Friday

Dr. Godwin Friday lives with his wife Ave, and children, Nicholas and Christian at Mt Pleasant on Bequia. He has a distinguished educational background and impressive professional achievements.

He taught at the Bequia Anglican High School and as a lecturer in Political Studies at Queen’s University in Canada. He worked as Project Coordinator / Researcher in the District Immigrant Services and acted as legal Counsel to the Canada Department of Justice and the Ontario Regional Office.

In 2002, he was called to the Bar in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

Through his commitment to public service Dr Friday has served as a Member of Parliament for 19 years after being elected as the Member of Parliament for the Northern Grenadines in 2001.

He understands the frustration of those looking for work and our talented young people who cannot find jobs here. Many are forced to leave our shores to seek opportunities overseas.

In his Plan for Jobs and Growth Dr Friday is committed to delivering a real plan that will grow the economy and create jobs and deliver a brighter future with real and lasting change in St Vincent and the Grenadines.

This will mean more of our young people can build careers and raise their families here in SVG. Godwin Friday and the NDP will secure the change to get SVG working again and deliver a brighter future for all of us.

Read Dr Friday's Plan to Get SVG Working Again

Dr Friday's Plan for his Constituency of the Northern Grenadines