Honourable Terrance N. Ollivierre

Hon. Terrance Ollivierre

Your Member for Southern Grenadines

Terrance Ollivierre is committed to fulfilling a plan to bring new jobs and opportunities to the people of the Southern Grenadines, where he has called home all of his life.

He has a plan to deliver better roads, upgrade ports, and new jobs if elected as part of a Dr Friday-led NDP Government.

Terrance has always put his local community first, whether it be in his career as a teacher or through his working representing the people of Southern Grenadines in Parliament.

For many years, he was a teacher at both the Union Island Secondary and Clifton Government Schools. He was then made Teacher in Charge at the Mayreau Government School during the period 1997 to 1998.

Fed up with the lack of representation and opportunities for young people, Terrance entered the political arena, offering himself as the NDP representative for Southern Grenadines.

Since then he has worked tirelessly to improve job opportunities for our young people, so they do not need to move abroad in search for work and can instead build a career here in SVG.

Terrance's Plan for the Southern Grenadines
