How do I vote?

As we approach five years since the 2015 election you will once again have the opportunity to vote. An opportunity to vote for Dr Godwin Friday and the NDP’s plans for jobs and growth or five more years of broken promises by the ULP.

To be eligible to vote you must:

• be older than 18 years of age;
• be a citizen of St Vincent and the Grenadines; or
• be a Commonwealth citizen who has resided in St Vincent and the Grenadines for at least twelve months prior to registration.

No one is allowed to vote:

• in more than one constituency;
• more than once in the same constituency;
• without first producing an ID card.

With help registering, please complete this form (link to Help with Registration page).

• Before the election you will receive a form that will give you location of the polling station.
• You must present your identification card to officials at the polling station, who checks off the name of the voter against the register and issues you with a ballot paper.
• Vote for the NDP by putting a cross on the ballot form against the name of the candidate with the key symbol and then place the ballot paper in a sealed ballot box.

If you have any questions, or need help please contact your local NDP candidate.