
Our Plan on the Economy

our economy is lagging behind other countries

  • SVG has one of the lowest average economic growth rates in the Easter Caribbean over the last 23 years.
  • After 23 years in power the ULP has failed to provide economic growth.
  • Our bana trade was wiped out and the government have not helped farmers adapt. Businesses are struggling to access global marketplaces. The promised boom in tourism is not manifesting.
Caribbean Farmer Small
  • The NDP believes that our country needs a jobs-led economic recovery that will see:
    – More jobs delivered
    – Significant wage growth
    – Sustained economic growth


what will the ndp do

  • Economic growth is the foundation for SVG’s future. With economic growth, we can create more jobs, pay better wages and hope for a better future, a better future for all. 
  • The NDP wants everyone in this country to have the opportunity to grow and build a life for themselves.
  • We have developed a new economic plan for our nation built upon four pillars of our economy – Tourism, Agriculture, the New Economy and the Blue Economy. This will be underpinned by a strong and robust public sector.
  • The NDP will work to unleash the private sector to offer people long term quality jobs that will allow people to afford a better quality of life.
  • We will create jobs by reducing the costs, fees and bureaucratic delays for businesses. They can then expand faster and hire more. We will invest in new equipment, financing, lands, and reforms for our farmers and fisherfolk.