
Social Development

The implementation of our Spiritual and Social Redemption Charter.

  1. Initiate Household Sustainability: Each Vincentian household must have at least one occupant employed over the next five to ten years.
  2. Encourage Prayer: A school prayer and pledge to be recited daily. Prayer to be encouraged in public offices.
  3. Invigorate Sunday School. Support a fund for Sunday/Sabbath School teaching and teachers.
  4. Strengthen Youth Development Program by providing improved funding and financial assistance for the following youth organizations:



  1. Debating Societies in all government assisted secondary schools.
  2. Grant amnesty for illegal firearms.
  3. Provide a Girls home for disadvantaged, homeless and orphaned girls.
  4. Develop value laden family life telecasts for television.
  5. Establish a sports endowment of $20,000.00 to each of the leading sporting bodies for community based sporting programs.
  6. Effective quality improvement in the Royal SVG Police Force by the implementation of national security professionalization and leadership programs or the Officer Corps.



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